A conventional electrical waterbath stunner allows current to flow between two electrodes, from the submerged electrode to the earthed rubbing bar.
Electricity will only flow through a closed electrical circuit. Therefore, all electrical contacts within a circuit must be continuously, physically maintained, ie the bird’s head with the electrode/electrified water, the bird’s legs with the shackle and the shackle with the earthed rubbing bar.
Even when all objects within an electrical circuit are physically connected, the flow of current between them can be compromised by the inherent characteristics and the quality of the electrical contact(s). If a waterbath has inadequate electrical contact, the problem cannot be solved by simply increasing the voltage supplied, because this may not necessarily improve stunning and may instead affect meat quality and increase the risk to human health and safety.
It is possible to reduce the resistance of a circuit, at the points of electrical contact. Indeed, this is an essential basic procedure in the operation of any electrical system.
Any damaged (eg rusted, distorted or broken) equipment (including the submerged electrode, shackles and the earthed rubbing bar) may not conduct the current properly and must be replaced.
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