Pass on something wonderful – the HSA marks Remember a Charity Week
09 September 2019
Did you know that currently, despite the fact it’s one of the most important things you will ever do, only around 6% of us get round to writing a Will? This week 9th-15th September) is Remember A Charity Week and the Humane Slaughter Association is proud to be joining over 200 charities across the country to celebrate all the amazing individuals who support vital services by leaving a gift to charity in their Will.
The theme for the Week is “Pass on something wonderful” and aims to challenge some of the most common misconceptions around gifts in Wills, inspiring people to consider their favourite charity in their Will.
Legacies are vital to the HSA and have the power to have an impact far into the future. You can read more about how a legacy left to the HSA in 1931 is still making a difference today here . Last year, gifts in Wills helped the charity to continue its unique programme of research, education and advice which is helping to improve farmed animal welfare around the world.
Please see https://www.hsa.org.uk/support/leaving-a-gift-in-your-will to find out more about leaving a gift to the HSA.