HSA 2024 Special Travel Award winner announced
13 June 2024
The Humane Slaughter Association occasionally offers Special Travel Awards to enable researchers to travel and undertake studies or other activities that may lead to significant developments in the humane treatment of animals at market, during transport, or at slaughter.
The recipient of the 2024 Special Travel Award is Dr Han Quang Hanh, a senior lecturer at Vietnam National University of Agriculture. Dr Hanh will travel to Aarhus University in Denmark to collaborate with Professor Mette S Herskin’s research group: ANIVET Behaviour, Stress, and Welfare. There, Dr Hanh will learn more about the welfare of animals during transport and at the slaughterhouse which will be significant to the sustainable development of livestock production in Vietnam, where animal welfare is still a relatively new field.
Dr Hanh previously trained in Belgium and conducted several research projects on farm animal welfare in Vietnam, focusing on the impacts of different farming systems and improved housing on animal welfare. Dr Hanh is also a member of UFAW’s University LINKS scheme, which enables him to better support his students studying animal welfare, and to build academic networks with researchers all around the world.
Expressing gratitude for the HSA 2024 Special Travel Award, Dr Hanh said, “It is my honour to receive the HSA 2024 Special Travel Award to go to Aarhus University to join the research group of Professor Herskin. This is a unique opportunity for me to learn more about the welfare of farm animals during transport, and at the slaughterhouse, which is significant to the sustainable development of livestock production in Vietnam in the coming years. This award will help me build an important network with Professor Herskin and her research group for long-term cooperation. I highly appreciate the support from the HSA and look forward to visiting Denmark soon.”