Turkeys are very strong birds with powerful legs. To handle a turkey, reach from behind with one hand and take secure hold around both legs, gently lower the bird onto its breast, then slide your free arm over the wings and under the body. Lift the bird to your body. You can then transfer both legs into your other hand and use your free hand to control the wings. Due to the strength of turkeys, take secure hold around both legs with one hand rather than securing the legs between your outstretched fingers as for other species.
With secure hold around both legs with one hand and the weight of the bird in the other, lift the turkey to your body. |
Once lifted to your body, the legs can be transferred into your other hand and your free hand used to control the wings. |
Alternatively, for larger turkeys, take secure hold of both legs in one hand, as before, and then grasp the shoulder of the wing furthest away from yourself with your other hand. Lift and hold the bird close to your body.
Turkeys may be lifted by the legs and the shoulder of the wing furthest away from you. |
Lift the bird to your body. |
Small or young turkeys may be lifted using the same method as for chickens.
Small or young turkey poults may be held using the same method as for chickens. |
To avoid having to lift heavy turkeys for stunning, they may be manually restrained on the ground by taking hold of the legs in one hand and gently lowering the bird onto its breast.
Turkeys may be restrained on the ground by taking hold of the legs and gently lowering the bird onto its breast. |
Remember: Always handle birds with care and consideration.
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8AN, UK
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