Poor catching and handling can easily lead to ducks becoming lame, therefore they should only be carried individually and never be caught by the leg as there is a high risk of hip dislocation.
When catching ducks, place one hand either side of the body, over the wings, and lift the bird. Alternatively, ducks may be caught and gently lifted by the base of the neck for a minimal time before transferring the bird to your hand and arm. Holding briefly by the neck minimises flapping and therefore reduces injury. Take care not to apply excessive pressure when lifting ducks by the base of the neck.
Ducks should never be caught by the legs only. They may be caught and gently lifted by the base of the neck for a minimal time before transferring the bird to your hand and arm. Take care not to apply excessive pressure. |
Once you have hold of the bird, slide one hand under the body and firmly clench the legs between your outstretched fingers (positioning one or two fingers between the legs) and support the bird’s breast on the palm of the same hand. The wings can then be controlled by your opposite hand or by holding the bird against your body, under your arm. Ducks tend to wriggle more than hens, so it is important to have control of the legs. It is recommended to wear gloves when handling Muscovy ducks as these birds are strong and have sharp claws.
Support the weight of the duck, holding the legs firmly. Once held securely against your body, the bird’s head is accessible for stunning. |
Remember: Always handle birds with care and consideration.
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8AN, UK
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